Sunday, October 19, 2008

Not a Happy Camper!

I am not a happy camper!!! (stomping my foot) My sister, Molly has a little kitten….she brought it home with her over fall break when she came home for the night. That little black ball in the photo is the kitten… his name is “cat”… and when he comes to visit he doesn’t play with me and neither does Molly anymore, she likes “cat” more than she likes me. That makes me sad because she is a lot of fun sometimes.

My mamma found the kitten over at grammy’s and brought it home…I’m sure glad we didn’t keep it….she took it down to Molly’s house and it is her cat now. Molly took it to the vet and it got a shot (very big grin) and it lives with her so at our house it’s just me and mamma, pappa, Rusty, and the two cats, Fluffy and Sparkie.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Scared Stewie

Hi, it’s me again… it seems that since the weather is so nice I am full of adventures again. Today Mamma put the screens in her bedroom windows so we could enjoy the outside while we are inside. Pappa prefers the air conditioning but on nice days mamma and I like the real weather.

Today when she wasn’t looking I jumped up on the wicker chair that is was conveniently located next to the window and then I jumped onto the window sill. That was pretty cool…I could look out and see mamma working on the back porch. When she saw me though she came in pretty quick and got me. She was afraid I’d fall through the screen, I’m sort of glad she came to get me because I didn’t have a clue how I was going to get back down. Getting into the window was a whole lot easier then getting down. If you are a dog and reading my blog, you might want to think ahead on this one…it is not as easy as the cats let you believe!

Do I look a little scared on this photo? I’m trying not to…

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hi, It’s me again….I haven’t been blogging for quite some time, my life has been mostly sitting by the window and watching the cars and buses take the kids to school every morning and napping every afternoon. In the evenings I play with Rusty, my dog brother and watch TV.

This week my sister Molly was home for spring break. It is always fun when she comes home because she plays with me sometimes. This week it was warm enough one day to go for a walk. When she takes me for a walk she takes me to the tennis courts and since they are fenced in I can run as much as I want to up there. Mamma always keeps me on a leash when I go with her and is not as much fun.

So I had a pretty good week, but today I watched with sad eyes as Molly went back to school again. She will be home in less than two weeks for Easter! I hope the weather is nice by then so we can play some more.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Midnight Snack

Last night I was outside playing and mamma was in the sun room painting and Molly had a couple friends over to watch a movie so no one was paying any attention to me. I found a rabbit. All I get to eat is dry dog food and water so a rabbit is a very tasty snack to a dog. I was happily eating my rabbit and mamma opened the door for me to come into the house so I brought it to the kitchen and put it on the floor and all of a sudden my mamma let out a very loud and scary scream….I didn’t know what was wrong with her and neither did Molly or her friends because they came running to see what was wrong. They also screamed and then I was really scared. I was sent to my crate and while there I was able to figure out that the problem was the rabbit on the floor. Apparently everyone is allowed to have a snack in the house except for me. I am only allowed to eat dry dog food and an occasional “chewy”.

Here is a photo of me and my snack. Mamma got rid of the rabbit and I was not allowed to finish eating it. The good news is that no one knows where the rabbit came from or how I got it and I’m not telling anyone! I may be eating a rabbit snack again some day, I will just have to be a bit more discrete about it.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

No Pins for Puppies!

Last Sunday when mamma came home from church she was very mad at me. In fact, I have never seen her quite so upset. My mamma has started a new craft and it involves a very brightly colored pin cushion and threads and buttons and beads and all kinds of pretty supplies. She is crazy quilting some squares and her plan is to make some pillows for the sun room. Ok, so I was very attracted to the pin cushion and put it in my crate and while she was at church I pulled the pins out. I learned a lesson about pins, they are very sharp and not at all something that I will be playing with again.

When mamma came home from church the brightly colored pin cushion in my crate caught her eye and she was really mad at me. I think she was mostly scared because she felt like a bad mamma to leave a pin cushion where I could get it. I could have been really hurt if I would have eaten a pin. She looked in my mouth and pulled a pin out of my side that I managed to get stuck in me and then she called her friend who told her to watch me and make sure I was acting normal. So to make mamma feel better I chased the cats that afternoon and barked at the birds and did all kinds of “normal” things so that she would know that I was ok and didn’t swallow any pins.

If you are a puppy and are reading my blog, I wouldn’t recommend tearing apart a pin cushion, it was not a good experience.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Last week was my birthday. I turned one on June 9, 2007. Birthdays are a big deal. When you turn one you are no longer a puppy, you become a “big boy”. I am now a “big boy”. Along with “big boy” status comes a list of new rules!! A “big boy” does not pee on the floor, he also does not chew on flip flops or any other shoes, he is not supposed to run through the gardens or basically have any puppy fun. Mamma layed down the law to me this week.

The good news is that for my birthday Molly and mamma and I went shopping. Mamma and Molly go shopping a lot but this was my first trip. I had no idea it would be so much fun. We went to PetSmart and I got to pick out a gift. There were hundreds of things to pick from and I just didn’t know what I liked best but finally decided on a squeaky frog and a big bag of chewies.

I was also very cute….people noticed me and they thought I was adorable….ahhhh yes, being a big boy and going shopping was quite fun!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More Trouble

Who knew we don’t eat the buttons off the cushions on the porch furniture? Well I know it now….. And that is not the only thing I’m in trouble for. Today I was bored, I chased a cat in the house and she jumped onto a table that had a resin Boyd’s Bear on it and it fell to the floor and broke….I got the blame for it even though it was Fluffy who actually broke the bear.

I dug in the wet mulch this afternoon and so my fur turned black and so is the toy that I buried. My “Charlie Brown” stuffed toy has now turned black. I don’ t know what the big deal is, I chewed his arms and legs off last week and so he wasn’t really Charlie Brown any more anyhow. I got a bath tonight so my fur is white again. I guess I better stay out of the mulch in the front yard till mamma calms down.